Channel: Modern UI (Metro) Charts for Windows 8, WPF, Silverlight
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Created Unassigned: FatalExecutionEngineError was detected [16215]

Dear Torsten

Again thanks for your great work.

When I use your chart in a flipview, it works fine most of the time. However when I open and close the Page with the flipview a couple of times I get the following error:

FatalExecutionEngineError was detected
Message: The runtime has encountered a fatal error. The address of the error was at 0x6f5e92e3, on thread 0x18dc. The error code is 0x80131544. This error may be a bug in the CLR or in the unsafe or non-verifiable portions of user code. Common sources of this bug include user marshaling errors for COM-interop or PInvoke, which may corrupt the stack.

The call stack seems to indicate a problem with your chart:

[Managed to Native Transition] System.dll!System.Collections.ObjectModeI.ObservableCollection<string>.OnCollectionChanged(System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) System.dll!System.Collections.ObjectModeI.ObservableCollection<System._Canon>.Clearltems() mscorlib.dll!System.Collections.ObjectModeI.Collection<string>.Clear() De.TorstenMandelkow.MetroChart.DLL!De.TorstenMandelkow.MetroChart.ChartBase.UpdateGroupedSeries() De.TorstenMandelkow.MetroChart.DLL!De.TorstenMandelkow.MetroChart.ChartBase.UpdateSeries() De.TorstenMandelkow.MetroChart.DLL!De.TorstenMandelkow.MetroChart.ChartBase.UpdateDataContextOfSeries() De.TorstenMandelkow.MetroChart.DLL!De.TorstenMandelkow.MetroChart.ChartBase.lnternaIDataContextChanged()
De.T orstenMandelkow. MetroChart. O LL! De.T orstenMandelkow. MetroChart. ChartBase. DataContextWatcher _ Changed(Windows. U I. Xaml. DependencyObject sender; Windows. U I. Xaml. DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args} [Native to Managed Transition]

I would be really grateful for your help.

Kind Regards

New Post: Duplicates

How about duplicates items?
Currently, when values duplicates in ValueMember of ChartSeries item, control display only last item. Can you add a some setter like a "IsGrouping" on control?
it would be nice :-)


Created Unassigned: Series does not support nested or indexed properties [16219]

So far as I can determine, the series (DisplayMember, ValueMember) does not support nested or indexed properties. Are there any plans to add support for this?

Created Unassigned: Nullable values [16230]

I've found a possibile issue with nullable value in case of bindings, so i changed _Datapoint.cs_ code in thsi way.

public double Value
if (_ReferencedObject == null)
return 0.0d;

var ret = GetItemValue(_ReferencedObject, ValueMember);

return ret == null ? 0 : double.Parse(ret.ToString());

private string GetItemValue(object item, string propertyName)
if (item != null)
foreach (PropertyInfo info in item.GetType().GetAllProperties())
if (info.Name == propertyName)
object v = info.GetValue(item, null);
return v == null ? null : v.ToString();
throw new Exception(string.Format("Property '{0}' not found on item of type '{1}'", propertyName, item.GetType().ToString()));
return null;

New Post: Request for your support to finish version 1.0

Hi Torsten, I'm looking for a chart library for a would-be project (desktop, so wpf) related to furnace industry. In these last weeks I'm still collecting some pieces together (chart, report, schedule) to valuate them and then make my last decisions. I found your chart library very interesting, I think the gauge chart would be very good to show the progression of the furnace job using the dynamics of filling and colors (I downloaded the demo), and judging by the results it really seems you're doing a hard and good work. But it happens that most if not almost the whole job of the charts will be made by showing points and lines (three axes: x-time, y-temperature, y-nitrogen). So, missing this piece, as now, I can't (yet) make the final decision oriented toward the choosing of your library. Add this to the hurry to show a demo to the possible customer (needless to say, with no-no funding). So in the hope you fulfill all my necessities... :) keep up with the good work.

Commented Issue: Add line chart [16195]

Add a line chart to the library.
Comments: ** Comment from web user: gearheadalex **

Agreed, this would me an amazing addition.

New Post: Request for your support to finish version 1.0

New Post: Request for your support to finish version 1.0

Yes, the 180-degree gauge chart is on the list. It should be easy to implement based on the radial gauge chart.
I will add it to the final version.


Created Unassigned: Binding ChartSeries propertis not works [16247]

Hey. First of all, thanks a lot. Good job, well done. Great...
And issue:
Is it possible to bind `ChartSeries`' properties? I have tried this, but not works. Thanks in advance.


<chart:ClusteredColumnChart Grid.Row="1">
SeriesTitle="{Binding ElementName=MainUserControl,Path=DataContext.SeriesTitle}"
ValueMember="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor,
AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}}, Path=DataContext.SelectedField,
Mode=OneWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Items}" />

None of `SeriesTitle` nor `ValueMember` got bind.

Commented Unassigned: Binding ChartSeries propertis not works [16247]

Hey. First of all, thanks a lot. Good job, well done. Great...
And issue:
Is it possible to bind `ChartSeries`' properties? I have tried this, but not works. Thanks in advance.


<chart:ClusteredColumnChart Grid.Row="1">
SeriesTitle="{Binding ElementName=MainUserControl,Path=DataContext.SeriesTitle}"
ValueMember="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor,
AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}}, Path=DataContext.SelectedField,
Mode=OneWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Items}" />

None of `SeriesTitle` nor `ValueMember` got bind.
Comments: ** Comment from web user: torman119 **


the chart properties are bindable but the charts are currently not "recalculated" if the properties change.

I will add this to the final version. In the mean time you could try to trigger an update to data source which forces the chart to be recalculated.
Thanks for reporting the issue.


Commented Feature: Binding ChartSeries propertis not works [16247]

Hey. First of all, thanks a lot. Good job, well done. Great...
And issue:
Is it possible to bind `ChartSeries`' properties? I have tried this, but not works. Thanks in advance.


<chart:ClusteredColumnChart Grid.Row="1">
SeriesTitle="{Binding ElementName=MainUserControl,Path=DataContext.SeriesTitle}"
ValueMember="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor,
AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}}, Path=DataContext.SelectedField,
Mode=OneWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Items}" />

None of `SeriesTitle` nor `ValueMember` got bind.
Comments: ** Comment from web user: kavand **

Thanks to answer. I have another suggestion too. I'm using the `Chart` in a `.NET 4` desktop app. So, I had no choice, except creating a new project, copy solution items, and compile it again. It seems some features you have used in project, are not compatible with `.NET 4`. While `.NET 4` is a public version developers use, I think it will be a good functionality to have a `.NET 4` compatible version. Thanks again. I really enjoy the project. It's perfect.

New Post: Request for your support to finish version 1.0


Your library is really nice but I did find an issue. If a series has negative values, then the columns corresponding to the negative values are not drawn (they have height 0). Do you plan to support negative numbers on the series? I believe that this is a very natural use case!

Thank you for your great work.

Best wishes,


Created Unassigned: Negative values on series [16249]

Column and bar charts do not handle negative values property. The height of the column (width of the bar) are set to 0.

Edited Feature: Negative values on series [16249]

Column and bar charts do not handle negative values property. The height of the column (width of the bar) are set to 0.
Comments: ** Comment from web user: torman119 **

That's correct. Negative values are currently not supported.

I added it as new feature request.


New Post: Windows Phone 8 Support

Your UI charts are marvelous. I wish you would add Windows Phone 8 support as a target. It would be great to be able to use NuGet and put these charts into a Windows Phone 8 app.

Keep up the great work. You're really onto something here.

Commented Feature: Negative values on series [16249]

Column and bar charts do not handle negative values property. The height of the column (width of the bar) are set to 0.
Comments: ** Comment from web user: dellamonica **

Thank you very much.

Reviewed: Source Code and Test Applications BETA (Jun 12, 2013)

Rated 5 Stars (out of 5) - Excellent tool. I'm going start using it right away

Reviewed: Source Code and Test Applications BETA (Jun 12, 2013)

Rated 5 Stars (out of 5) - Excellent tool. I'm going to use it right away

New Post: Request for your support to finish version 1.0


very nice work, thank you so much! I really like the look and feel of those charts.


New Post: Magic zeros in Piechart and Legendissues

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